Ave. Valery Lobanovsky, 4B Kiev 03037

E-mail: international@freedom-and-rights.org

We already know that human rights are the inalienable rights of every person. But how can we take advantage of these rights? Where to find confirmation that they are officially recognized by the states? And how are these rights implemented?

Human rights within the country
In the end, human rights protection is the most reliable mechanism at the national level.

It is clear that, in the end, the protection of human rights and the arrangements made to protect these rights depend to a large extent on developments and mechanisms at the national level. The laws, policies, procedures and mechanisms that exist at the national level are key to the exercise of human rights in each country. It is therefore important to make human rights a component of national constitutional and legal systems, to train law enforcement officials to apply human rights standards, and to ensure that sanctions for human rights violations are imposed. National standards have a more direct impact, and national procedures are more accessible than procedures at the regional and international levels. As Eleanor Roosevelt remarked:

"So where, after all, are universal human rights? In small cities, near the house - so close and so small that they can not be seen on any map of the world. However, they are
is the world of an individual: its hometown; a school or college where she is studying; factory, farm or office where it works. Such places where every man, woman and child seek equal justice, equal opportunity, equal dignity without any discrimination. Except, when these rights matter here, they almost do not matter anywhere. "2

Thus, the duty of the state to respect, encourage, protect and exercise rights is primary, and the responsibility of regional or international tribunals is secondary, which enters the game, mainly when the state deliberately or consistently violates rights. We are all well-known examples of how appeals to regional and international mechanisms have become necessary to confirm that violations occur at the national level. Regional and international interest or assistance can be an impetus for the enforcement of rights on the domestic market, but only after exhaustion of all domestic funds. It is for this reason that we devote the rest of this section to this scenario. What means can be used where internal systems were not able to provide adequate protection for the exercise of human rights?


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